
"oh no! not for me, not for me call it torture, call it university!"

Haha just kidding. That song makes me laugh (College Kids by relient K). University is a great place, but it wasn't for me. Well, not my program anyway. I was at McMaster University in Communication Studies and boy was that awful. But I can say this. I truly believe that going to McMaster University was God's plan for my life. God took me through a sweet journey at McMaster that allowed me to grow spiritually and allowed me to experience a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. Praise God for that time in my life because I believe it has prepared me for the next chapter in my life and I am excited to continue to grow in my relationship with Christ.

I am currently at Heritage College and Seminary studying in the Bachelor of Church Music Program with an emphasis in Music and Worship. It's so good to be studying something you actually care about :) I mean come on, I get to study the Bible and music. Boo. yah. It has definitely been a different experience from McMaster as it had about ohhhh say 30,000 students and Heritage has 200 in the college. So yes, it's quite a difference in number. But it's really sweet so far and I am excited for what God has in store!

If there's one thing I can say about all the changes that have happened in my life over the past few months, it's that God is sovereign over everything and I completely trust Him with my life. I had to take several steps of faith along the way and a lot of people called me crazy...literally haha...and at some points - I thought maybe I was...

And although I didn't have all the answers and I still don't have all the answers, I am at peace with where God is taking me and I know that whatever happens He's got total control. I just think it's pretty cool that the God of the universe cares about my life. And not only cares about my life but He loves me personally. That's awesome! Actually scratch that, HE'S AWESOME!

I think to sum up what I've been learning so far is that when God asks you to take a step of faith, just do it! Of course you must be in the Word and in prayer but even if all the answers aren't immediately shown, God is good! Trust me, I was super scared and sometimes thoughts of worry and doubt enter my mind about my future but I am quickly reminded of God's sovereignty and His love for me. And those thoughts are instantly removed and replaced with praise towards Him and what He has done. I'll leave you with this verse...

Romans 8:28
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

"When you get that panorama perspective of life, then obeying God today is not a burden; it's a joy" - James MacDonald.


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